
Tier 1 $5
1 Custom Graphic
1 story share
a private Registration Link for the website
1 song added to the playlist
1 interview
1 music review submission 1 song submission to the WWC radio.
Tier 2 $10
2 Custom Graphics
1 posts shared
2 story shared per month
a Private Registration link for the website
2 songs added to the playlist
1 interview
1 music review submission 2 song submissions to the WWC radio.

Tier 3 $25
3 custom Graphics, 3 Stories shared per month, 2 posts, a private Registration Link for the website, 3 songs added to the playlist, 1 interview, 1 music review submission, and 3 song submissions to the WWC radio.

Tier 4 $50
you'll enjoy 4 custom graphics, 4 stories shared throughout the month, 3 posts shared, a private registration link for the website, and 4 song submissions to the WWC radio. On top of that, 4 songs will be added to the playlist, and you'll receive 1 music review submission. 2 interviews,

Tier 5 $150
5 Custom Graphics,
5 posts shared throughout the month,
A private Registration Link for the website/App
5 songs added to WWC playlist,
5 interviews,
5 music review submissions,
5 song submissions to the WWC radio, Your very own online radio,
A worldwide collaboration wristband,
A Video Shout out from Trill Will One of the owners,
A Custom shirt with a design of your choice,
50 Custom Stickers with a design of your choice.
Custom Page On the website,
Donate $officialwwc